Plus, designation courses satisfy many CE requirements giving you the chance to explore new learning opportunities while getting a leg up on your career. We call that win-win.

Individuals who acheive the AAI designation gain knowledge of a wide range of insurance products and services to better understand the exposures their clients face, establish a clear professional advantage, and fulfill their commitment to customer service. All courses are 100% on-demand to make earning an AAI designation easy to fit into your schedule.
Explore the AAI Designation
ACCREDITED customer service representative (Acsr)
Demonstrate your commitment to excellence in customer service.
Individuals who earn the ACSR designation distinguish themselves as prepared to meet the complex insurance challenges their clients face. ACSR course requirements include the Personal or Commercial Lines track, the Core Courses and the Ethics Requirement. By completing this program, individuals learn practical information that can be used immediately, including: an overview of policy structure and eligibility requirments, in-depth study of coverages and exclusions, and synopsis of endorsements used with policies.
Register for Upcoming ACSR Courses

Associate in risk management (Arm)
succeed in a rapidly evolving risk management landscape.
Your clients turn to you as a source of risk management expertise. Guide them as they explore the best methods to uncover their weakness and build resilient organizations. The 100% online ARM program, offered via the Institutes, helps you develp the necessary skills to advance your career. The ARM designation includes three focused courses and one ethics course.
Explore the ARM Designation
construction risk and insurance specialist (cris)
demonstrate your commitment to the construction industry.
The CRIS designation increases the competence, confidence, and credibility of insurance professionals who sell or underwrite insurance for contractors. Contractors who buy insurance from a CRIS designee know they are dealing with a professional who is committed to the construction industry. There are five courses required to earn the CRIS designation, which can be taken in any order.
Register for an Upcoming CRIS Course
Management liability Insurance risk specialist (mlis)
stand out from the competition.
The MLIS continuing education program provides specialized expertise in the fundamentals of professiona liability insurance, the specific nuances of directors and officers (D&O) liability, employment practices liability (EPL), and fiduciary liability exposures and insurance. Plus this program is current with the latest cyber laws, ruling changes, coverages and exposures.
Register for an upcoming MLIS Course