Exclusive discounts on quality services - only for Big I NJ members.
Big I has partnered with ACORD to offer all members with annual P&C revenues under $50 million complimentary ACORD Forms for their agency. As of January 1, ACORD changed their model and began charging an End User License. Thanks to your membership with the Big I, these annual fees are waived and your access to ACORD Forms remains 100% free. Learn more about this benefit here.
Agency Valuation & Perpetuation Consulting
89% of agency owners do NOT know their Fair Market Value. Are you one of them? BIGINJ members receive a FREE 30-minute consultation
with Carey Wallace with Agency Focus. Learn More...

Disaster Recovery Services for Insurance: Protect Your Promise. Be There for Your Clients.
Disaster has no schedule. Nothing tests an insurance agent's ability to meet a client's needs like an unforeseen disaster, occurring without warning and creating unpredictable damage. Insurance agencies, more than any other business, have an obligation to their clients to be available when disaster strikes. Any event that prevents work from happening can be catastrophic for an insurance agency. During a disaster, Agility's ReadySuite Solution delivers for any or all of the four key elements of recovery: power, technology, space, and connectivity.
Big I New Jersey's endorsement of Agility Recovery demonstrates a commitment to ensuring you will have access to an affordable and reliable solution should the unthinkable happen. Agility Recovery provides robust, sensible, and easy-to-implement recovery solutions for an affordable monthly membership fee. Members of Big I New Jersey receive a special discounted rate of $420/month on fees and coverage begins immediately.
For over 21 years, Agility Recovery has ensured that insurance agents are there for their clients. And, Agility continues to post a 100% success rate.
For more information, click here or phone 866-364-9696.
AM Best is the publisher of the premier insurance industry resource, Best's Key Rating Guide. Big I New Jersey members order this resource by clicking here.
DriveSafeToday.com is a DMV-approved online defense driving course in New Jersey that allows drivers who take the online course to remove two motor vehicle points and receive a discount on their auto insurance policy for three years. The course is low-priced and easy to complete. Big I NJ members may extend an exclusive discount of 25% off the course price to their insured and receive a $3 bonus for each insured who takes the course.
I.C. Systems, Inc. I.C.Systems, Inc. helps companies achieve their accounts receivable and collections
goals through a variety of services that are available to Big I New Jersey members.
Imperial PFS (IPFS) is the industry leader and endorsed premium finance company for Big I New Jersey. Our focus is on providing agents with a seamless, efficient experience so you can focus on insurance-related matters. A big component of our service offerings is our commitment to technology.
We make it easy for you to streamline your agency business with eSignature and credit card or ACH down payment capabilities.* These tools eliminate your insureds need to print, scan, and fax documents. In addition, they enable you to save time and collect your premium finance down payments electronically.
Additional features
Paperless processing of loan agreements
Quick turnaround time for processing
Online tracking to verify when your account has been processed
Flexible and easy down payment options, including ACH and credit card payments
* IPFSs down payment processing service is provided as a convenience only and is subject to prior agreement to IPFSs terms and conditions, and fees may apply where permitted by law. Imperial PFS is a trade name affiliated with IPFS Corporation (IPFS), a premium finance company. Access to products and services described herein may be subject to change and are subject to IPFSs standard terms and conditions in all respects, including the terms and conditions specifically applicable to use of IPFSs website and mobile application, as applicable, and IPFSs eForms Disclosure and Consent Agreement.

The bank of choice for Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers.
InsurBanc is an independent community bank that was founded by agents exclusively for agents. Organized in 2001 by the Big 'I' to serve independent insurance agents, InsurBanc has developed a distinctive culture that allows them the opportunity to work with Big 'I' members as a partner to help optimize growth opportunities and manage their agencies efficiently. You can rely on InsurBanc for custom products designed to underwrite your success.
Agency Financing
- Perpetuation
- Acquisition
- Working Capital
- Producer Development
- Debt Refinancing
- Owner-Occupied Real Estate
- Equipment Leasing
Cash Management
InsurBanc's cash management program understands your unique seasonality and fluctuations and creates a customer package of products and services that provide the best return on your money while also offering operational efficiencies. Click here for more information.
For more information, contact InsurBanc at 866-467-2262 or visitwww.insurbanc.com
The Mines Press The Mines Press is a full service printing company offering print services and promotional products. Members may order products with the Trusted Choice logo through The Mines Press.
Big I New Jersey members save up to 34% on shipping with UPS.